
19 Apr 2024

Limerick tablet project aimed at reducing levels of social isolation among older people

Pictured during a workshop hosted by Limerick City and County Council are Carmel Wilmott, left, and Joan Curtin, both from Newcastle West Picture: Diarmuid Greene

Pictured during a workshop hosted by Limerick City and County Council are Carmel Wilmott, left, and Joan Curtin, both from Newcastle West Picture: Diarmuid Greene

MORE THAN 30 older people from across county Limerick have been presented with special tablet devices as part of a programme to reduce incidents of social isolation and to open them up to a new world of communication. 

Age Friendly Limerick, which is coordinated by Limerick City and County Council, in partnership with Cliffrun Media is delivering the project aimed at reducing levels of social isolation among older people. They intend to do this through the use of the Acorn Tablet.

The Acorn is a specialised tablet, tailored to address the needs of seniors in a closed secure network. It opens up a world of relevant online content for seniors, encouraging users to engage and interact at both social and commercial level.

The interface has clean lines, is simple to navigate, provides easy access to a help button, and provides remote technical assistance when required. 

A workshop has been hosted by Limerick City and County Council at which the 30 older people from across the county have been provided with their tablets and given instructions on how to use them.

A major element of this project will be engagement between the older people and Transition Year students from Desmond College in Newcastle West.

Deputy Mayor of the City and County of Limerick Cllr Michael Collins welcomed the move.

“I am delighted to welcome this project today spearheaded by Age Friendly Limerick,” Mayor Collins said.

In a world, which is becoming more technology driven, it is important that we support and encourage our older citizens in embracing the digital world,” he added.

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